Action Items

With all of the control mechanisms closing in on us, it can be daunting to know what to do. Following are some suggestions. They can be done by an individual and are non-threateneing but do require a re-ording of ones thinking and priorities. Once you start you should find a sense of empowererment that increases as you go down this new path.

The most important steps to take first are the first three listed below. Breaking free of the shackles of "conventional wisdom" will allow you to "unschool, then educate" yourself, and consuming clean healthy food will give you the strength to do so.

  •  Get rid of the television
  • Television was and is a device for mass control of the thoughts and behavior of people. Knowledge that pulsed light and pulsed sound signals can influence humans is not new and televisoion was developed with this knowledge in mind – to control what people think, what they, say and how they behave. There is a reason it's called "programming." Mind Control - Television, Sports, News Media
    Are Used To Manipulate & Control You!
    [ Click twice to view video ]

  •  Maintain a balanced outlook

    Your physical and emotional well being is important to deal with these trying times. Here are some things to help:

    > Focus on the present moment – don't dewll on the past or fear the future.
    > Be grateful for what you have
    > Do things you enjoy and have a purpose.
    > Take time for meditaion and/or yoga.

  •  Educate yourself

    The best way to do this is to start by assuming that everything you have learned/been told is not true and unschooling is required. It's necessary to approach this with an open mind and no preconceptions. Most people will find subjects that will shatter their credibility. This is to be expected.

    History is one of the most important subjects to know in order to understand the current world situaion. Of particular significance is 20th century events, espectially the players and events of World Wars I & II.

    The best (and only) sources of the truth are the internet and books. The globalists control not just television, but all media – newspapers, magazines, radio and even professional journals.

    Learing to navigate the Internet takes a little time but there are gems of truth out there among all the lies and BS. Some of the best sites are those that bring guests on to share their knowledge. Some are free and others requires a modest monthly fee.

    Thre are many good news items, presentations and documentaries on YouTube. There is also a lot of schlok.

    In the past few years, many valuable books which have been out-of-print are being republished. This is being augmented with recent books containing valuable information.

    Don't just believe
    what you see and hear.
    in the media
    Do your own research.
    Do your own critical thinking.

  •  Know your rights and defend them

    Study America's founding documents – the Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Amendments I, II and IV define our basic rights.

    You cannot defend that which you do not know and you will not keep that which you do not defend.

  •  Change your eating habits and food sources

    STOP eating processed foods; these are foods that have been adulterated, loosing nutritional value and even adding toxins and poisons for taste, shelf life and to addict you to want more.

    Moms Speak Out on GMOs
    [Click twice to watch video]

    This is a life style change that requires practice, first by reading labels... if you can’t pronounce it, if it has a number in the name, if you don’t know what it is or it has more than four ingredients (other than herbs and spices with their Latin names) then don’t buy it! Buy local... grown or made applying organic standards – without synthetic chemicals or drugs – and know your source whether it is a farmer or a baker or a grocer.

    Second, by not using the ubiquitous microwave... everything you microwave – even water – is molecularly altered. It not only loses its nutritional properties, it changes the substance so that it is no longer the food you started out with, it only looks like it. Then there is the toxic chemical soup that transfers from the packaging (that makes the process so convenient) to your food.

    And third, eat wholesome traditional foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, grass-fed meats and animal fats – butter, lard and tallow (just like our ancestors ate). NO CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) products, NO GMO (genetically modified organisms) products, NO enhanced or fortified products.

    It soon becomes easy as you learn what’s good and what’s bad.

    Develop sources of wholesome, nutritious foods such as:

    local farmers - Many farmers will sell directly to customers. Some have stores on their farm property while some are less formal – knoock on the farmhouse door and ask for what you want.

    farmers' markets - These are becoming more and more popular around the country. It still is prudent to know the farmer and his/her practices.

    a local CSA (community supported agriculture) - This is another farm-to-consumer channel that is gaining in popularity. A CSA member pays up front to share in the bounty at the end of the season. The member is also sharing in the risk of a bad growing season or unforseen loss of the crop. Look at a CSA as a means of insuring the food supply. If all the risk is born by the farmer, s/he may not be around for the next year. By limiting her.his loass, s/he may be able to regain without undo hardship.

    a local, independent food co-op - Independent food co-ops are apt to support local farmers more than a large chain supermarket. As a member, you should have more say as to what food the co-op carries.

    your own garden - Those who live in rural areas or on a suburban lot of an acre or more have room to plant a garden that will suppply a good amount of their food needs. But what if you live in a dense suburban area or even an apartment? The following videos should provide some ideas. There are many more ideas and tips on the Internet.

    Garden on a small suburban lot Apartment garden

    raise chickens - Chickens raised on food free of GMO's and antibiotics will provide an egg that is much healthier and more nutritous than eggs from a CAFO. Chickens are omnivores, so providing an area where they can scratch for worms and bugs is best. They can also be slaughtered for their meat.

    Chickens also can make good pets, but this may not be a good idea if you plan to raise them for meat.

    Living in a (sub)urban area should not necessarily be a deterrent to raising chickens. Check local ordinances for whether or not it is allowed and, if so, how many you can have.

    In our toxic world, establishing source(s) of clean, nutritious food is one of the easiest things to do and will provide a payoff in rebuilding your immune system. You should also find the amount of food you need is less – and less need for prescripton drugs. The monetary savings can be substantial.

  •  Find natural remedies and avoid prescription drugs

    Most prescriptions drugs do not "cure" anything. They treat symptoms and often create other problems. Read the insert that comes with a prescription and note the "possible side effects."

    Hippocrates advised "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Those words of guidance served many people well for centuries, in many cultures around the world. It's time we reinstated them into our daily routine. Hence our suggeston on food.

  •  Pay cash wherever possible

    Debit and credit cards are tracking devices allowing the NSA to know what you bought where and when. It all becomes part of the masive data file they have on everyone even though it is unconstitutional and none of their business.. And credit cards provide temptation to assume personal debt. Debt = slavery.

    Every credit card transaction includes a fee, paid by the vendor. (That's why some vendors give a 3-5 percent discount for cash or check.) Who do you think gets those fees and for what do you suppose those fees are used?

    Many people find that using cash makes them think twice about spending it.

  •  Pay off debt

    When you buy with borrowed money, the interest raises the cost substantially.

    A house mortgage or a car loan make those items subject to reposssesion. In today's world, the banksters have taken these items from people without valid cause. Being free of debt makes your possesions and wealth more secure.

    As noted above, Debt = Slavery. 'Nuf said.

  •  Minimize money in the bank

    When you put money into a bank account, it is no longer yours. Bank customers in Cyprus found that out the hard way. Major banks have stated that they will use a bail in (using depositors money to cover their losses) if necessary.

    Many people keep just enough cash in the bank to cover day-to-day expenses. The rest is kept in a secure place or, better yet, converted to hard assets and commodities that might be scarce in a depressed economy.

  •  If you buy precious metals, take possession

    An FRN (Federal Reserve Note) is a debt instrument and not worth the paper it is printed on. Same goes for gold and silver certificates. The precious metals markets are so manipulated and over-leveraged that the metals represented by a certificate probably does not exist.

  •  Protect youself from electromagnetic radiation

    Electromagnetic radiation (EMR or electrosmog) has been known for decades to be detrimental to biological life on the planet.

    Do not allow a smart meter to be installed on your house or apartment. Minimize your use of cell phones and Wi-fi gadgets. Baby monitors and cordless phones are dangerous. Even the complicit World Health Organization (WHO) has deemed the radiation from these devices to be a Class 2 carcinogen.

    Most important is to shield your sleeping area. Getting sound rest helps to deal with all the toxins in our environment. There are materials and devices that will help make a room safe from electrosmog.

  •  Buy American

    Look for "Made in USA" or "Made in America." Supporting American jobs keeps our people productive and the wealth in our country instead of sending to China – or some other foreign country.

  •  Support those who make a positive difference

    There are many organizations working to benefit the people. Suppport them with donations, by volunteering or any other means at your disposal.

  •  Don't look to government for solutions

    As Ronald Reagan said "Government is not the solution – government is the problem."

    And legendary (now deceased) politician Tip O'Neal, Massachusetts Democrat and Speaker of the House, was always reminding us that "all politics is local."

    The best, most-workable solutions to problems are found within our families and local communities.